"Yes, they have seen him, far, far away, soon he will be here... and the whisper moves further through the forest, the bushes rustle and murmur confidentially, and the tiny white sedge flowers bow and lean toward each other... and the mirror-still water stirs and murmurs: he is coming, he is coming."
"It was a long, long time ago, in those days when only trolls roamed the dark mountains and the great, shadowy forests. Every ravine sheltered an old troll, and under the tangled roots of giant trees, they lived in burrows and hideaways."
" Long, long ago, there was no round earth with its green forests and blue seas.
The sun did not shine during the day. The moon did not shine at night, and neither did the stars. It was completely dark.
There were no humans. There were no animals.
Not even the tiniest little insect existed. Plants did not exist. No trees, no flowers, and no grass. There was simply nothing.
But there was a great emptiness, a huge crack, a deep narrow chasm, it was like a vast open gap. That is why the great chasm was called Ginnunga-gap... "