Dreamweaving eng


Ambient concert / Soundbath / Storytelling / Ceremony / Meditative soundjourney

Land in a harmonious harbor and let your mattress raft drift out into a dreamstream of warm sound waves. Hugaura takes us on a peaceful journey through ambient musical worlds, interspersed with meditative storytelling that guides the body into deep rest.

The length and theme of the dreamweave vary depending on the location and context. It can last anywhere from 30 minutes to an entire night.

During the dream weave, listeners may drift between sleep and wakefulness as pulsating soundscapes and minimal live music create space for introspective journeys. Contact me to book a dream weave for your event.

Past dreamweavings:

~ Princess Tuvstarr ~

(Samhain 2022 @ Världshuset)

We wove a dream weave together.

Folk tale threads with pulsating sine clusters.

Then we transformed into a fairytale forest, with stories deep in the soil of words.

At the forest altar, in the center of the circle, lies a tarn.

And at the bottom of the tarn, a heart of gold is hidden.

Together with my friend Hanne Agathe Magnussen, a dream weave ceremony was created during Samhain 2022. The music for the dream weave was later released as an EP on Hugaura's SoundCloud. It is now also available here for those who wish to listen.

~ The autumn connection ~

(12/10-24 - Gbg)