
The Sacred Gift of the Song Feast

An Inuit Tale from Greenland

In The Sacred Gift of the Song Feast, we hear the story of how humans first received the sacred gift of the Eagle People.

We follow the hunter Terriaq on a journey to the world of the eagles, high among the mountains.
There, he learns the language of nature, using the power of music and dance to bring joy, vitality, and light to a world in darkness.

The Eagle Mother took them out and taught them to put their ears against the ground and listen…

To listen for the deep song of the earth in all that lives.

She taught them to follow the babbling, gurgling, and rushing dance of the stream and the river, capturing the melodies and stories that dwell there.

She taught them to hear the whispering wind over the mountains and through the treetops, carrying foreign words and news from distant lands.

She taught them to gaze into the flickering flames and the glowing embers, discovering their mysterious depths, and to let all this flow into their songs, dances, and stories.
