arla i urtid ENG

Dawn of time

Welcome on a journey that begins at the dawn of time.

In a unique retelling of our pre-Christian creation myth, mythological worlds and beings are woven together into an adventure like no other.

Through storytelling and music, I present the beings, gods, and giants that belong to the Old Norse worldview.

The first episode of Dawn of time's audio saga has been recorded and is available for listening here on the site. I plan to record more episodes and travel far and wide to tell the saga live.

If you enjoy what you hear and want to hear more, consider donating at my Donations Page or book a storytelling session, where I will share the tale live, accompanied by immersive soundscapes and music.

Please mark your donation "Arla i Urtid" so I know that your contribution goes directly to this project.


A long, long time ago, the round Earth with its green forests and blue seas did not exist.

The sun did not shine during the day.

And the moon did not shine at night,

nor did the stars.

It was completely dark.
There were no people.

There were no animals,

not even the tiniest little insect.

There were no plants.

No trees, no flowers, not even a straw of grass. There was simply nothing at all…
But there was a vast emptiness,

a gigantic chasm, a deep and narrow abyss.

It was like a great open mouth.

That is why the great chasm is called Ginnungagap.
