
Runmagic & Animism

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Rune Magic and Animism is a workshop where, through an Animistic approach, we explore our relationship with the ntural world and all its beings.

An Animistic perspective is grounded in the belief that the world that surrounds us is a network of senitient beings with soul and vital force, entirely possible to enter in to communication with.
In many indigenous cultures, this communication is maintained through ceremonies, stories, songs, and a reciprocal exchange with the land of which we all are a part.

In the modern, secularized societies that many of us have grown up in, this perspective has been lost, or rather replaced by new narratives. These narratives, based on the value system of the global market's constant growth, have gradually reshaped our relationship with the natural world and with each other.

How do these narratives affect us as individuals and as a society?

What other stories are waiting to told?

What can we learn from Indigenous tribes whose cultures are rooted in an animistic worldview?

How can we sustain and practice an animistic philosophy in everyday life?

How can we open ourselves to the language of nature and enter into dialogue with the surrounding?

These are the questions we will explore together in the workshop.

One way to enter into dialogue with the world around us is through the runes.

The 24 runes of the Uthark hold powers originating from the Dreamtime, from the dawn of ancient times.
They can guide us and provide a deeper understanding of our place within the cosmic web of life, Urd's Web, enabling us to once again walk in harmony with Mother Earth.

During the workshop, I will explain the meenings of the runes’ inherent powers, interpreted through stories, songs, and music inspired by Norse mythology.

The workshop is held in groups of up to 20 participants. It is around 3 hours long and costs 150 SEK per person.

Participants will receive a booklet explaining the meanings of the runes, the lyrics to the songs sung during the workshop, and, hopefully, inspiration to begin working with the runes themselves.
